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Model policy published by DeWine suggests rules for cellphone use in Ohio schools

All schools will be required to adopt cell phone policies no later than July 2025, ahead of the 2025-2026 school year.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Gov. Mike DeWine published a model policy on Wednesday designed to minimize student use of cellphones during school hours in Ohio.

The model policy prohibits students from using cellphones or other similar electronic communication devices on school property during learning time. Additionally, students are required to keep their cellphones in a secure place such as a locker, backpack or a storage device provided by the district.

If a student violates the rule, the model policy suggests disciplinary actions such as:

  • Give the student a verbal warning and require the student to store the student’s cell phone in accordance with this policy.
  • Securely store the student’s cell phone in a teacher- or administrator-controlled locker, bin, or drawer for the duration of the class or period.
  • Place the student’s cell phone in the school’s central office for the remainder of the school day.
  • Place the student’s cell phone in the school’s central office to be picked up by the student’s parent or guardian.
  • Schedule a conference with the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the student’s cell phone use.
  • Other (insert as needed).

Students are exempted from the model policy if they are using a cellphone for an Individual Education Program (IEP) or for monitoring a health concern. The full model policy can be seen by clicking here.

“By removing the distraction of cell phones from classrooms, our school children will be free to flourish and will see improved academic engagement and social interaction,” Gov. DeWine said in a statement. “Schools that implement this model policy will quickly see positive results by giving children a break from the nonstop notifications that have proven to be harmful to student performance and mental health.”

The model policy was created by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to meet the requirements of HB 250, which will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

All schools will be required to adopt cell phone policies no later than July 2025, ahead of the 2025-2026 school year.

DeWine said districts can either adopt the model policy or create their own policy as long as it adheres to the requirements in HB 250. 

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