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New Albany school district parents share different opinions on mask requirements in school

While one parent doesn't believe masks should be required for students, two others felt masks are the best strategy to reduce spread of the delta variant.

NEW ALBANY, Ohio — Most central Ohio school districts have put a mask requirement in at some level, but the New Albany-Plain Local School District has not. 

10TV spoke with three parents whose kids all go to New Albany schools, but they don't all share the same opinion about whether their child should wear a mask in school.

"When you force it onto the kids, I think there's developmental disabilities, social disabilities,” said Joel Miller.

Miller doesn’t think kids need masks in schools.

“If protocols are in place where we can minimize the potential spread, I think it will be safer for them to go back,” said Dr. Maureen Joyner. She feels masks can protect everyone.  

When school starts on Thursday for New Albany students there won't be a mask mandate.         

That doesn't give Joyner peace of mind that her kids will be safe. Joyner is an emergency medicine physician.

"It's unfortunate to feel like when I send my kids to school on Thursday that I’m potentially putting them at more exposure than living in the house with me that works in the hospital,” she said. 

Dr. David Stukus is a pediatric allergist immunologist at Nationwide’s Children's Hospital. His kids are 8- and 11-years-old.  

“Most children, if they get sick with COVID, thankfully they don't have severe illness. But some do and we can't predict which ones will and which ones won't. That's why we want to try our best to take proven strategies to reduce how many children get infected,” said Dr. Stukus.

We spoke with a representative from New Albany schools. They told us they knew their decision would satisfy some and not satisfy others. They've received emails and had conversations with parents on both sides of this issue. 

"I think the delta variant is going to spread whether we mask or not. We can't stop it and continue to function as a society in the way that we know how,” Miller said. 

The district said mask-wearing is left for the parent to decide. The spokesperson did say they're strongly recommended and if things change, they'll revisit the plan and make changes if needed.  

"I still hold out hope that they will follow science follow the guidance of the experts,” Joyner said.

The school district does have guidance in place for all elementary-level schools. The middle and high schools’ guidance is still being finalized. 

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