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Earthquake Felt Across Ohio

DISCUSS: Tremors from a 5.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked Illinois Friday morning are felt throughout the Midwest. Did you feel the quake? Tell us about your experience.

Residents across central Ohio felt the tremors of an earthquake that hit Illinois earlyFriday.

The 5.2 magnitude earthquake, which struck at 5:37 a.m. Eastern time, was centeredsix miles from West Salem, Ill.

The quake rattled skyscrapers in Chicago's Loop and homes in Cincinnati butappeared to cause no major injuries or damage.

10TV News received several reports that the effects were felt in Ohio, 10TV's TinoRamos reported.

DISCUSSION: Did You Feel Earthquake?  | SLIDESHOW: Images Of Damage  

"I thought, 'Wow, it's an earthquake,'" said Janet Grandstaff. "That's what itwas."

Grandstaff said it woke her up.

"I thought it was some kinds of supernatural experience because I didn't have anyidea what was going on," Grandstaff said.

Carmen Avery said it felt like a back and forth motion that lasted for about 10seconds.

"I was sleeping at the time and then I felt the bed shaking," Avery said.

Mike Hansen, with the Ohio Earthquake Information Center, said he received a phonecall one minute after the quake happened, Ramos reported.

Hansen said the tremors felt in Ohio were considerably less than what was felt atthe epicenter, Ramos reported.

"In the epicentral area it was a level six intensity, whereas here in Ohio it wasprobably intensity three or intensity four," Hansen said.

The last earthquake in the region to approach the severity of Friday's temblor wasa 5.0 magnitude quake that shook a nearby area in 2002, United States Geological Surveygeophysicist Randy Baldwin said.

"This is a fairly large quake for this region," he said. "They might occur everyfew years."

Initially reported as a 5.4-magnitude earthquake, the USGS revised its estimate to5.2.

"This was widely felt, all the way to Atlanta, a little bit in Michigan," said USGSgeophysicist Carrieann Bedwell.

Stay with 10TV News and 10TV.com for more information.

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