"Every once in awhile you're in the right place at the right time," said Columbus Police Officer Phillip Walls.
That was the case around 2:00 a.m. on Saturday. Officers Billman, DeWitt and Walls were pedaling their beat as usual, sweeping the area with a flashlight.
"We come across an open garage with two people on the floor in the garage," said Officer Thomas DeWitt. "It didn't seem right, just by how they were both acting, it seemed like something was going on," said Officer Chris Billman.
That something was a rape, in progress. The victim tells investigators she was turned away from a COTA bus because she didn't have shoes. She says she met 36-year-old Randy Graham, Junior outside the UDF. It was raining. She says he offered to take her somewhere dry, but once in the garage, forced her pants off and raped her.
"Initially, it's just another run, afterward, it's pretty disturbing," said DeWitt.
Also disturbing to those who trek the alley frequently, it's right by OSU's campus and a string of bars.
"Every night, I go to work or class or parties, whatever I'm going to," said student Lauren Fouts.
Fouts is now thinking twice about coming through there. "You're supposed to be careful on Pearl, there's incidents on here all the time."
Thankfully, this time, three officers were right there. "I think that's why every officer takes this job, trying to catch a moment like that," said Walls.
Graham, Junior has a long rap sheet. He's now facing charges of kidnapping and rape.