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Crime Stoppers Features Unsolved Slayings Involving Youth

A new Web site is unveiled, dedicated to letting slaying victim families speak out in hopes the crimes will get solved. Learn more.

A new effort was under way Thursday to help solve some murder cases that have gone cold.

Crime Stoppers has launched a new Web site dedicated to solving slayings with victims youngerthan 22 years old, CrimeTracker 10's Angela An reported.

"We need to take a stand," said Denise Rheubottom, whose son Devon was slain.  Young peopleneed to do something those who are against what is happening you need to speak out."

SPECIAL SECTION: CrimeTracker 10

Devon Rheubottom had just turned 18 when he was shot in South Linden in May 2008.

Crime Stoppers said they want help from more victim's families.

Rheubottom's case is just one of the many unsolved slayings involving young people, Anreported.

Several months ago, Brainstorm Media began producing free videos for Crime Stoppers onDemand.

What started as public service announcements has now branched into creating a new video Website, which tells the stories of young homicide victims through their families, An reported.

"We're maybe able to make a better impact on young people so maybe we'll deter them from doingthese violent things to begin with, and also might help people who have information about thesemurder victims to step forward, because maybe they were afraid to before," said Brainstorm Media'sJen Duffy.

Rheubottom said she hopes the Web site encourages someone who knows something to comeforward.

"It's a code they hold, which is senseless; it's snitching.  If they tell, it's snitching;it's not snitching, it's helping," Rheubottom said. "It makes me mad, it breaks my heart. We needto do something."

Crime Stoppers also plans to release DVDs with unsolved cases to area high schools.

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More Information:

Crime Stoppers' Web Site

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