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COTA Bus Drivers Take Pledge To Put Down Their Phones Behind The Wheel

As part of Drive 4 Pledge day, AT&T partnered with COTA to spread the anti-texting and driving message. Get details.

As part of Drive 4 Pledge day, AT&T partnered with COTA to spread the anti-texting and driving message.

On Thursday, dozens of COTA bus drivers made a commitment as part of a national Drive 4 Pledges Day.

Bus driver Lyntel Cannon, who is a 16-year veteran, says he constantly sees driver’s texting behind the wheel.

“I see one hand on the steering wheel and one hand with the phone texting. When they get to the traffic light they stop, take their hands off the wheel and use two hands to text,” he said.

Cannon signed the pledge to not text and drive, along with many other bus drivers.

He says when he sees drivers texting, he just looks at them and shakes his head.

For more information and to sign the pledge visit ItCanWait.com.

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