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Columbus School Data Czar Sentenced To 15 Days In Jail

Steve Tankovich appeared in a Columbus courtroom on Thursday and is now headed to jail.

The former data czar for the Columbus City Schools who was in the middle of the data scrubbing scandal has been sentenced to jail time.

Steve Tankovich received 15 days in jail which begins Friday.

Tankovich was convicted of felony tampering with records for his role in the data scandal.  

He pleaded no contest and never testified in that case. As part of his plea agreement, Tankovich agreed to assist in other matters related to the data-rigging case, which could include testifying in other cases.

During that testimony, Tankovich said that former Superintendent Gene Harris knew he was overseeing the process for how principals dealt with the data of students who had excessive absences, but says Harris did not know the details of that process.

“My focus has always been – look at the children and help children learn. I focus on their benefit throughout my entire career. I’m sorry for any of my actions that caused harm, damage to students or fellow workers,” stated Tankovich before sentencing.

The judge did say in court that there was still no clear understanding about what happened in the schools and who is fully responsible. 

Tankovich will also go through two years of community control.


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