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Columbus Man Convicted For Multi-State Drug Ring

The ringleader of a drug ring that brought cocaine and marijuana into central Ohio is convicted on dozens of charges. Get the details.

A man was convicted in federal court on Thursday of leading a drug trafficking ring responsiblefor distributing cocaine and marijuana throughout central Ohio.

Maurice Williams, also known as "Papa Joe" was found guilty of 30 counts, including thecontinuing operation of a criminal enterprise and several counts related to possession anddistribution of drugs, a news release from the U.S. Attorney's office said.

More than 30 people were arrested in February 2009 as part of "Operation Georgia Peach," whichended a year-long investigation into the drug trafficking ring, 10TV News reported.

SLIDESHOW: Drug Suspect Arrests

The operation was named because Williams, 34, trafficked drugs between Georgia and Ohio, the FBIsaid.

Williams was ordered to forfeit cash, vehicles and firearms seized during the investigation.

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Previous Stories:

August 27, 2009: Alleged DrugRing Leader Arrested In N.C.
March 4, 2009: Dozens Of Suspected Drug Dealers Arrested

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