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Charles Barkley Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI

Former NBA star Charles Barkley was arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving after an officer saw him run a stop sign.

Charles Barkley was arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving early Wednesday morning.
An officer with a law enforcement task force that targets drunken driving saw the former NBAstar run a stop sign around 1:30 a.m., said Gilbert police Lt. Eric Shuhandler.
Barkley declined to submit to a breath test but was given a blood test. The results weren'timmediately available.
After Barkley was processed, he was cited and released. He left in a cab, Shuhandler said.
Shuhandler said there was nothing remarkable about Barkley's arrest and that it is customaryto release people after they've been arrested on suspicion of DUI.
"There was nothing unusual about how he was taken into custody," Shuhandler said. "He wastreated exactly like we treat anybody else."
Barkley was arrested in Scottsdale's Old Town area, one of the trendiest spots in the Phoenixmetro area.
Barkley played 16 NBA seasons for the Philadelphia 76ers, Phoenix Suns and Houston Rockets,and played on the USA Olympic "Dream Team" in 1992 and 1996. He was an 11-time NBA All-Star andleague MVP in 1993.


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