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Charges Yet To Be Filed In Shaken Baby Case

A mother whose infant son suffered 15 broken bones and bleeding on his brain is still waiting for charges to be filed. Find out why from 10TV.com.

A mother whose infant son suffered broken bones and bleeding on his brain told 10TV News onTuesday that she was growing impatient waiting for charges to be filed in the case.

On May 5, Alexander Kearn was airlifted to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus after hestopped breathing, 10TV's Maureen Kocot reported.

SLIDESHOW: ImagesFrom Case (Viewers May Find Some Images Disturbing)

Once at the hospital, doctors determined that the then 6-week-old child was the apparent victimof shaken baby syndrome. Bleeding was discovered on his brain and an X-ray revealed that he hadsuffered 15 broken bones.

"The doctor told me that in order for my son to sustain the injuries that he has now, it wouldbe like throwing somebody from a two-story building," said the boy's mother, Natasha Marshall.

Now, more than a month later, Alexander is back at home but he remains unresponsive. Marshallsaid that doctors have not given her son, who is now 3-months-old, a good prognosis.

"The doctors are telling me that they don't know if this as good as it's going to get," Marshallsaid.

So far no one faces criminal charges in connection with the boy's injuries, but Ross Countyprosecutors told 10TV News that there was a clear person of interest in the case -- a relative whowas caring for the child when he was injured, Kocot reported.

Prosecutors said they waited to make certain Alexander survived his injuries before filingcharges. Still, Marshall said she was growing impatient with the case's progress.

"He just needs to be put in a chair and shook and shook and shook," Marshall said. "(He needs)to understand what it feels like to suffer like my son."

The Ross County prosecutor told 10TV News that a grand jury would hear the case before the endof June.

Prosecutors said they intend to seek charges of felony child endangerment and felonious assault,Kocot reported.

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