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10 Questions With Woody Johnson

Woody Johnson is the host of "Woody and the Wake-Up Call" on WCOL-FM (92.3). Despite his crazy hours, he made some time to answer our 10 questions for this week.

Woody Johnson is the host of "Woody and the Wake-Up Call" on WCOL-FM (92.3).  Despite hiscrazy hours, he made some time to answer our 10 questions for this week.

1.  What's your bedtime?
I have two.  11:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

2How do you prepare daily for "Woody and the Wake-Up  Call?
Usually two hours at night, and 90 minutes (4-5:30) in the a.m., combing overvarious  Web sites.

3.  What would surprise people about your morning teammates, Stacie and Zuko?  
Whew, a LOT.  From the things listeners say when they call; what we talk aboutoff the air; and how cold I keep the studio.

4.  How'd you get your start in radio?
I begged a local Program Director to hire me when I was 15.  He gave me abooklet to study for a Third Class FCC  Operator's License test (no doubt hoping I'd soilmyself in fear, and he'd never see me again).  I didn't.  But I did misplace the manualuntil the night before the test ... ironically, a recurring problem throughout my formativeyears.  I took it, was the youngest by FAR to take it that day.  Passed it, and said myfirst words on the air on Sept. 3, 1977 ... my parents' wedding anniversary.  I dedicated"Easy," by the Commodores to my mom ... not aware at the time what an unfortunate choice it was.(TRUE STORY)

5.  Most underrated country artist?
Gary Alan and Dierks Bentley, with honorable mention to Joe Nichols.

6.  What was your first concert?
ELO & The Doobie Brothers, July 1977/Civic Auditorium/Omaha.  The firststop of ELO's  Discovery" tour ... featuring a GIANT, hydraulic spaceship which lifted off thestage.  I remember that show fairly vividly to this day.

7.  What's your "go-to" at the drive-through?
Wendy's Spicy Chicken salad, with a large chili (and if the wife's not w/me ... Icheat, and get a small vanilla Frosty)

8.  If you could buy any car, what would it be?
I'm a lifelong Mustang guy, and my dream car is a '69, Mach-1 ... Hurst shifter w/ashaker hood.  Metallic blue, if I can choose.

9.  Best thing about Columbus?
It's incredible Autumns.  I've lived in five states ... born and raised inNebraska; then Florida; Arizona; and Texas (twice), and I think this is truly the most wonderfulcity in America.  I love Columbus.  Oh, and it's outstanding FM radio between thefrequencies of 92.2 and 92.4.   ;

10.  You got a lot of national press after asking Billy Ray Cyrus about divorcerumors. Would you ask the same question again?
Absolutely, and w/out hesitation.  But a little more deftly.

Previous 10 Questions:

February 5, 2011:  Thad Matta

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