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'I wouldn't miss this chance for anything' | 87-year-old Texas father bikes over 400 miles with daughter

This will be Jim Lundbeck's 7th RAGBRAI ride and his daughter's first. It's a trip that's been years in the making.

TEMPLE, Texas — 87-year-old Temple father Jim Lundbeck is completing the trip of a lifetime with his daughter, Kelly Brooks. 

The two are taking part in RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa), an annual bicycle ride across the state of Iowa. This year, the route is over 425 miles. Riders started their journey on July 21, and it will end July 27. 

This won't be Lundbeck's first rodeo! This is his 7th ride.

"For me, exercise is a means to an end," Lundbeck told 6 News.

In 1983, Lundbeck almost lost his life. Doctors say exercising saved him.

"I had abdominal bleeding," Lundbeck explained. "I was a marathoner, and the doctor told me if I had not been a marathoner, I would have died on the table when they operated. That's enough inspiration to keep on training and keep doing what I do."

This trip has been years in the making. The pair were going to do it in 2020, but the ride was canceled because of the pandemic.

"Then in 2022, I had a physical problem," Lundbeck said. "Had surgery in 2023. This year, we said 'Well, let's do it.'"

"I've wanted to do this ride with him since 2020, and I thought I'd lost my chance, especially when he got sick," Brooks added. "I thought we would never do it. Now that he's healthy again and strong, super strong, I wouldn't miss this chance for anything."

It's all to create memories together that will last a lifetime.

"I'm so proud of him for being an inspiration to our family," Brooks said.

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