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Friends fundraising for good Samaritan injured while helping victims of Toledo crash

Josh Graff was seriously injured while running out to a crash on Jackman Road Tuesday night. His friends say he has always tried to help others.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Josh Graff, 46, of Toledo, is in serious condition for doing what he always did: he tried to help someone in need.

Graff's friends and family told WTOL 11 he needs help with medical bills for injuries he suffered Tuesday night while helping out with a crash on Jackman Road.

"Josh is a Marine and he's always ready to help somebody," Graff's friend, Archie Padgett said. "He always acts fast when something serious is going on,." Padgett was with Graff when he was hit. 

Padgett said he, Graff and another friend were leaving their Tuesday night bowling league at Jug's Bowling Center on Jackman Road when they heard a crash.

His friends said what Graff did next was a prime example of his character.

 "Someone was in hysterics; Josh ran into the road," Padgett said. 

Padgett explained Graff helped the other drivers while his friends tried to slow down oncoming traffic.

"Just minutes later, we heard another crash and that's when Josh got hit," Padgett said. "He was lying face down, unconscious, part of his leg was ripped apart pretty bad, so I called 911 right away."

Lt. Paul Davis of the Toledo Police Department said he was glad community members want to help one another in times of emergency, but it's important to always be vigilant. 

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"We know the community members here in Toledo care about each other and they're always looking to help each other out," Davis said. "Unfortunately, this gentleman was hit by another car and got injured pretty severely. So, if you're going to make that decision to intervene, I would say just, be aware of your surroundings and what all else is going on around you instead of just that incident."

Graff's sister, Candice Graff, told WTOL 11 that Josh is in serious condition and his leg was amputated. He was to undergo surgery on the leg Thursday and will have multiple other surgeries in the future. Padgett said Graff had just changed jobs and is without medical insurance.

One Jug's employee who WTOL 11 asked for an interview said he was too upset and shaken over Graff being involved in a crash right outside the bowling alley to talk about it. Friends who bowl at Jug's said they are putting together a fundraiser in the near future to help with Graff's medical bills.  

"We're definitely all wishing him the best here," employee J.J. Westhoven said. "He's a big Jug's guy here, really loves his community, the bowling community. We're all thinking about him for sure."

 "The thing that's important to me is Josh is still here," Padgett said.

Graff's Go Fund Me is included here. As of the writing of this story, it has already raised over $15,000. 


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