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Keep an eye out on kids trick or treating all weekend long

Even if your child has gone trick or treating, other communities are still celebrating.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Despite the rain, trick or treat finished up Thursday night for many in central Ohio, but other communities are waiting until this weekend to hit the streets.

“Not knowing if a community you are in, if there's a celebration for trick-or-treating, you just have to be aware between now and Sunday when you're out and about,” said Gary L. Sigrist, Jr., a training officer, specializing in public safety.

Sigrist said over the next several days, drivers need to be extra careful watching out for trick or treaters.

“More kids are hit on Halloween or trick-or-treat night than any other night. I was watching kids today and they were walking in the street,” he said, “parents of young drivers, this is probably not the night you want your child out and driving if they don't have a lot of experience.

Once your kids get home, Sigrist said you might want to check your kids candy, but not for the reason you may think.

“What I would be most concerned about, if I was a parent, is whether my child might have allergies. So I don't want them to eat any candy until they come home and I have the ability to check,” said Sigrist.

If your child will trick or treat over the next few days, Sigrist recommends not letting them go out alone, making them wear something reflective, and make sure they don't go inside the home of someone they don't know.

If you want to know when each community in Central Ohio is trick or treating, we’ve compiled a list here.

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